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Fields of Activity

Our Fields of Activity

Worksite Buildings
Worksite Buildings

Mobilization structures which are needed by all of the construction companies operating in the construction sector and doing contract works are in this category. The construction period changes according to the scale of the project and the needs of prefabricated construction site structures may vary accordingly [...]

Camp Buildings
Camp Buildings

Construction sector being in the first place, needed mobilization constructions are placed under this category. The camp constructions taking place in the area of mobilization are dining hall, dormitory, office, WC-shower units, mosque, social facility, storage-hangar, public housing and suchlike [...]

Military Buildings
Military Buildings

The prefabricated military structures needed in various geographies of the world consist of large camps. Offices, dormitories, mess halls, launges, closed or open sports areas, warehouse and hangars, praying rooms and suchlike structures take place in the content of the camp. We conclude these large-scale projects [...]

Educational Buildings
Educational Buildings

HParallel to the development and the increase of awareness regarding light steel technology, there is an apparent increase in the buildings contructed with this system. Light steel education buildings are one of the best examples of this. These buildings are definitely permanent structures and detailed [...]

Health Facilities
Health Facilities

Health container structures can be used for infirmary, hospital outhouses, laboratory, field hospital functions. Hygiene is an indispensable necessity for these containers as they are serving under the title of health. All details applied on wet volumes and other places are structured accordingly [...]

Public and Administrative Buildings
Public and Administrative Buildings

Administration buildings which are usually built permanently by various institution and enterprises and office buildings taking place in construction site mobilization are in this category. Number of staff, buildings’s lifetime and list of requirements are the most important criteria for determining the needs [...]

Emergency Settlement Buildings
Emergency Settlement Buildings

Prefabricated emergency life units are constructed to meet emergency habitation needs of great number of people arising from natural disasters as earthquake, flooding, tsunami and suchlike, as well as disasters not arising from natural causes. Our Standard solutions comprising [...]

Multi-Storey Buildings
Multi-Storey Buildings

Creating faster assembled, better quality, more spaced-out, more durable and higher buildings are inevitable in the direction of demands and requirements coming from our customers in prefab sector. Our multi-storey building project realizes a system installation where basically developing technologies will be used [...]

Housing Buildings
Housing Buildings

Housings built with high rise light steel technology are positively discriminated against other building systems in our country, which is face to face with the reality of earthquakes, with their durability, high technology and superior earthquake performance. This technology also allows for the opportunity to provide [...]

Ecological Buildings
Ecological Buildings

It is a fact that in our day construction has a significant role in the emergence of environmental problems. The adverse consequenses of environmental problems is felt more and more today and buildings are contributing to this situation in various stages. The approaches that will reduce this issue guide [...]
