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Customer Satisfaction

Customer Satisfaction

Our Customer Satisfaction Policy

Our Customer Satisfaction Policy

For the activities regarding all products and services we are offering in its sector where it operates, we make a commitment to establish good relations with our customers in line with the requests coming; to stick to the legal regulations; on such conditions as to stick to the legal regulations and as to take economical conditions into consideration, in order to strengthen the communication between us , as to have our employees and shareholders to participate in the process, to solve the complaints within the shortest time possible , and to improve our product and service quality in line with the following basic principles.
  • Accessibility: Applications can be made to the marketing and sales department.
  • Transparency: Applications can be made via phone / fax numbers or web address of marketing and sales department.
  • Responsiveness After your applications are received, you will be responded by fax, telephone and / or email.
  • Impartiality:: Applications are evaluated fairly and without prejudice.
  • Privacy: Information received from the applicant is not transmitted to any section or department or to any third party.
  • Customer Orientation: care is taken to meet the expectations of our customers, to whom we try to provide his/her satisfaction, in a short time within the framework of corporate policy and legal regulations and to protect their rights.
  • Accountability: Incoming applications are evaluated and responded in a short time.
  • Fee: No fee is charged from the applicant while the applications are being evaluated.
  • Continuous Improvement: With the philosophy of continuous improvement, we aim to do our best in order for the process to be better managed by assuming that every customer complaint is an opportunity for R&D.