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Why Us

Why Us


We are Leader in the Sector

We are the only prefabricated construction producer in the world who produce all raw materials in its own integrated plants

We Save Time

We make differences with a quality and timely service beyond customer’s expectations.


Our technology and the materials which we use reflect our sensitivity to ecology, we act with the awareness of sustainability.

Solution and Service Oriented

We produce solutions globally with our experienced and expert staff composed of architects and engineers.

We Provide Alternative Loading Solutions

We provide favorable and optimum loading solutions in land, air and sea transportations through the world.

We Make Differences with a Special Packaging System

We offer material and shipment assurance with special packaging system.

We Keep Customer Satisfaction At Maximum

We provide customer satisfaction in pre/post-sales processes with quality service perception and standing by our products since 1989.

We Ensure Production Assurance

We can supply all of your requests on time with our Integrated Production Plants producing 170.000 m² of products, our high production capacity and wide range of products.

We Are a Technology Point with Our R&D and P&D

We offer innovative, creative and flexible solutions with the high-technology production lines and machine line we have.

We Offer Professional and Quality Solutions

We put our signature under many projects around the world with international certifications and quality certificates by producing solutions and making calculations specific to the project.

We Provide Favorable Price

We offer quality product with a favorable price within the scope of performance assessment.

We Provide Assembly Assurance

We provide mounting and demounting services carried out with our expert supervisor and assembly teams.

We Put the Emphasis On Occupational Health and Safety

We create safe spaces with the placing emphasis on the Occupational Health and Safety and training activities.