It is a fact that in our day construction has a significant role in the emergence of environmental problems. The adverse consequenses of environmental problems is felt more and more today and buildings are contributing to this situation in various stages. The approaches that will reduce this issue guide architectual designs towards sustainable, eco-friendly ecological constructions. For this reason, priority is given to building designs which have less effect on environment in the countries with high environmental awareness .
Some environmental decisions should be taken during designing stage for these constructions deemed as eco-friendly. These decisions bring along many environmental and economical benefits. The procedures which are named as ecological, environment friendly, green and sustainable building criterias cover subjects such as reducing the use of limited natural resources, use of renewable or unlimited resources as much as possible, use of low but efficient energy, reducing the production of emission and other pollutants and at the same time protecting human health indoors.
Light steel production technology is the most suitable production system to ecologically produce a building whose architectual design criterias are provided. Steel is an eco-friendly material by its nature. It is possible to build durable, secure, sturdy and eco-friendly buildings with this material having a 90% recyling rate. It is possible to constitute clean environment and construction sites thanks to light steel technology. Natural water resources are preserved with minimum water use at the production and construction site. Both soil wastage and truck fuel expenditures used in this process are forestalled with minimum earthworks in the basic construction process. It is a construction system reducing CO2 emission. Domestic materials are used in 90% of the construction.
Eco-friendly designs where ecological design procedures are applied bring minimal additional cost or none in the first application. On the contrary they provide many environmental and economical benefits during subsequent life cycle. Today production cost of such a dwelling is 10% more than traditional building at the most. To achieve sufficient developments in this subject, from designors to users, all sectors related to constructional activities should have awareness and at the same time various stimulus and regulations are required.