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Environmental policy

Environmental policy

Our Environmental Policy

for the purposes of protection of the environment and maintenance of its continuity, to protect our environment; by improving our environmental performance and by observing the legislations and regulations on environment protection; to leave clean and livable environment for the next generations, by taking environmental impact under control and by actualizing, through this awareness, all production activity as a whole together with sustainable development and environmental protection.

Activities to be carried out to Implement our Policy

  • To ensure continuous development and improvement by meeting all legal generalizations and legal and customer requirements related to environmental dimensions.
  • To ensure the protection of natural resources by reducing the use of raw materials, by employing appropriate technologies that pose the least harm for the environment within the framework of technical and economic opportunities.
  • Considering environmental impacts in plant and process design.
  • To improve our environmental management system in order to continuously improve our environmental performance.
  • To raise awareness of our subcontractors and the local people on our responsibilities to the environment and cause them to participate.
  • In order for environmental impacts of our products to be improved, to make contribution to raise awareness on the environment within the scope of the life cycle, within continuous cooperation and communication.
  • To reduce the emergency risks that may occur within the framework of occupational health and safety rules, and to establish health, safety and environmental integrity.