Container accommodation units were delivered to Van
Following the earthquake disaster experienced in Van, it is planned to ship approximately 27,000 containers to the region through different institutions and organizations. We, as Prefabrik Yapı A.Ş., have successfully delivered approximately 2000 containers to the region up to the end of December 2011 within such process, which was conducted under the leadership of AFAD (DEMA: Disaster and Emergency Management Authority).
900 containers were delivered via DEMA and 650 containers were delivered to Van DEMA authorities through Kocaeli Special Provincial Administration, while the remaining 400 containers were delivered to those in need, primarily in Van and Erciş. The standard comfort requirements in which the basic needs of a family were met were provided in the containers measuring 3 × 7 m2 in size. In a 21 m2 container; there are 1 kitchen sink, bathroom with shower, toilet and sink and two rooms.
All of the container production orders given by the private sector and official institutions have been manufactured by detailing again according to structural calculations carried out according to Van climatic conditions. The containers, are also used for the needs of office, of classrooms, of warehouses, etc. in addition to housing. Shipments were made by road and rail. Not only our container production facilities, but also our insulation and panel production facilities, which are operating in an integrated manner, were on the alert in order to complete the process in the fastest way. As a result of the increase in the recruitment of new employees and in the number of shifts, the process was completed successfully and all requested products were delivered to the region in a timely manner.