Prefabrik Yapi A.Ş. has Certificated the Importance it gave to Customer Satisfaction
Prefabrik Yapı A.S. has registered the importance of the service it presented to its customers to Turkish standard and criteria, by first receiving Service Adequacy Certificate on 03 December 2008. Besides proving and warranting its service quality to its customers by receiving Service Adequacy Certificate, it also registered that after sales services regarding its products is executed securely.
Prefabrik Yapı A.S. always raising the bar especially in the subjects of technology, R&D and quality since the day it was founded, was entitled to ISO 10002 Certificate, the Standard for approaching Customer Satisfaction and Complaint, which only a handful of companies have, in December 2012.
Prefabrik Yapı Deputy General Manager Mr. Mustafa TOLUNAY has stated the importance they have given to customer satisfaction by declaring “We are the first and sole possessor of Fire Resistance Certificate of fiber cement siding plates we use on our products and the certificate regarding the compliance of the modular metal cabins we produce to Turkish standards Institute’s criteria. We have a total number of 14 certificates with these certificates on various quality and system classes. However, ISO 10002 Customer Satisfaction Management System Certificate is far more important than our other certificates, because we produce our products with the latest technology and always keep the quality at the top level. The important thing for the producer is if we can stand behind our product after we deliver them to the user! Here, we have registered this with this document.”
The quality, service, customer satisfaction provided by Prefabrik Yapı and the importance it has given to customer satisfaction and complaint management, as well as Prefabrik Yapı’s stability is registered one more time with this certificate.