The number of countries that Prefabrik Yapı A.Ş. serves in 6 continents by providing suitable solutions for each climate region has reached 110.

The products and services of Prefabrik Yapı A.Ş., having 29 years of experience, constantly improving itself with technology investments, grounding on customer satisfaction, is swaying its flag in 100 countries.

Prefabrik Yapı A.Ş., which leads the sector, has set the number of target countries as 125 countries for 2018 and as 150 countries for 2020.

While the installation of camp buildings comprising of prefabricated houses, administrative offices, light steel dormitories and dining halls within the mobilization regarding Sudan’s largest agricultural project was added to the jobs carried out in 110 countries, The installation of another project, whose shipment is ongoing, has started rapidly in Senegal.

Prefabrik Yapı A.Ş. aims to maintain R&D and P&D studies without slowing down, to offer sustainable buildings within its expertise, to reach every point inland and abroad and to sway the national flag at every platform with pride,. it will continue to provide services with Steelin – Lifecase – Preform brands in 110 countries in 6 different continents with high technology.